For an individual, a relaxation area can mean a completely different thing – for someone it can be a quiet reading corner at work, for another a swimming pool, and for a third perhaps a space to stretch out. But they all have something in common: they make us feel good. And it is important that we are well every day. That we know how to take care of ourselves.
We recently designed a relaxation area with a jacuzzi and sauna. However, since the square footage of the room was not large, we had to make good use of every corner. To bring a bit of nature into the space, we have chosen a green wall, as it doesn’t take up any space. Of course, we also tried only ceramics, but you know what, it looked really boring. A moss wall simply brightens and refreshes the room. And now you can just imagine what it’s like to lie in a warm bath and look at the beautiful green balls of moss, reminiscent of treetops. Moss is the perfect solution for light-starved spaces, as it needs no light and is maintenance-free.
It is not enough for our spaces to be purely functional. We also need to think about comfort and well-being. So, do you already know what your favourite relaxation area is?